Yang Zhao Taijiquan International Association
Our Taiji Association Story
Yang Zhao Taijiquan International Association is a traditional Yang Family Taijiquan linage based in Xian, China. Current Head of the Family is Master Zhao You Bin. He has one son Zhao Liang who is also a pivotal component of delivering and maintaining the traditional teaching of the Yang Family. Zhao You Bin has many students in China and over the World. He has selected Disciples to carry on the families tradition. Zhao Bin (1906-1999) Zhao YouBins father, had a motto that the family has adopted as the foundation of their philosophy:
Héng zhuãn bù jião
The general translation is to humbly dedicate your life to practicing and preserving the original.
- to uphold the unbroken chain of traditional Yang Family teachings
- form close connections to all members of Yang Zhao Taijiquan International
- provide members with progressive learning via courses and other studying materials
- provide members a path-way to becoming an authorised teacher in our association
- provide an integral connection between the Zhao Family and Disciples
The Zhao Family is a descendant of Yang family. Yang Zhaoyuan, Zhao You Bins Great-Grandfather was the older brother of Yang Chengfu who was the first of the family popularising the Yang Families martial arts all over China and subsequently the World.
Various versions of the Yang Taijiquan Families Arts are practised all over the world making Yang Family Taijiquan (Tai Chi) the most practised martial arts in history. Although the practise of yang taijiquan has for most people become a health exercise it has the reputation and potential to become a practical and effective fighting style of self defence.